Managing the Union Shop

Managing the Union Shop is an easy-to-read guide written in non-technical language that fits in a pocket. Order one for every front-line manager and supervisor. With this basic information at their fingertips, your managers & supervisors are armed to avoid bad past practice and create favorable past practice – saving you potentially thousands of dollars. Order your copy today!

Do your palms sweat before talking with your Business Agent? Try this…

The key to avoid these costly arbitrations and protect your bargaining gains is to train your supervisors.

“Thank God they didn’t hand this out to supervisors at my shop. It would have made me totally ineffective.” That’s what a former UAW Steward said about this “secret weapon” – but I’m getting ahead of myself. Is your company trapped in an unproductive relationship with your union? Chances are, you’ve experienced the following:

  • Your supervisors have compromised your contract, and you are “boxed-in” to poor past practices;
  • Your management rights have been eroded and your bargaining gains have been destroyed;
  • Your company has wasted thousands of dollars on unnecessary grievances and arbitrations.

Supervisors who don’t know these strategies are killing your business.

Untrained managers destroy hard-won gains at the bargaining table. It happens in a heartbeat. They unwittingly create costly past practices that erode your contract and kill your business. The bottom line: an improved relationship with your union can increase profits. An average arbitration case costs a company more than $15,000 in legal fees, lost time and productivity

With this “secret weapon” your managers will learn:

  • An almost magic, little-known way to make even the most hard-nosed union rep want to work with you. This tactic works especially well with “hard case” business agents (who many times actually want to work with you).
  • What your union rep is afraid to admit that is costing your business a fortune each year.
  • How to discipline problem employees by proving you have “just cause” – without a visit to an arbitrator.
  • Settle a grievance fast using this trick from a former Chicago union official.