LaborVision Forum

What would it be like to attend Top Gun academy for your field? This was the impetus of the LaborVision Forum: a semi-annual gathering of some of the brightest minds in the employee and labor relations space. Twice a year, a small group (18-28) meet to share new ideas, dissect new threats, and swap war stories, best practices and tools.

For over 10 years this invitation-only gathering has become a “don’t miss” event. The conversation is lively (the agenda is set by those who attend), the food is great, and the connections you make will enrich both your work and personal life.

If you join us, we’ll all grow stronger. We hope you will!

Event Information

Registration Information

Date:  LaborVision Forum Spring 2025 (LVF29) – Dallas

Location:  Hyatt Regency DFW 2334 N. International Pkwy, DFW Airport, TX 75261, USA

Schedule: Join us for dinner on March 19 and our meeting and dinner on March 20th

Step 1: Pay the Registration Fee

Pricing for LaborVision Forum is $750. Click the “Pay Now” button to complete your registration.

Step 2: Reserve a Room

Hotel:  Hyatt Regency DFW

Room Rate: $182/$192

We have a discounted room block; the reservation link will take you directly to that block.

Cut-off Date: February 26, 2025

Step 3: Complete the Registration Survey

The survey is important for ensuring a lively discussion and making appropriate evening meal plans. You’ll be asked to rank a selection of topics or send in a suggestion of your own so that we can discuss the things on your mind.

If you have any questions about forum logistics, send an email to Michael VanDervort.