The Approachable Leadership Workshop is the start of your team’s approachability journey. This half-day, experiential learning gives leaders a chance to dive deep into the behaviors and skills that set Approachable Leaders apart from the rest. During each Workshop you get a chance to practice and coach others on what works – and what doesn’t. You finally commit to work with at least one other learner after class on applying what you learned in your daily practice at work and at home. The Workshop is the first step in the Approachable Leadership Learning System (ALLS). The ALLS is a series of 12 additional learning experiences, each focused on a different leadership skill or behavior taught through the lens of the Approachable Leadership model. Click to learn more about the learning system and the adult learning design principles we use in all of our training experiences.
An effective learning experience isn’t a one-time “event” or class. For learning to really impact daily behavior it must be repeated and focus on practical “chunks” of learning that can be implemented easily and built over time. The Approachable Leadership Learning System has been designed from the ground up to take advantage of the latest adult learning design principles. We call these learning chunks “active intervals” and you can think of them like “reps” you add when trying to get stronger in the gym, track or the pool. Whether you take advantage of the live Workshop, live Learning System Modules, or a Self-Directed Learning Experience (coming soon), each Approachable Leadership learning experience builds in the following key “active interval” design elements.