“I get so much energy and satisfaction speaking to groups and have been blessed to travel across the US and Canada introducing leaders to Approachable Leadership. We are fortunate to have clients from small start ups to Fortune 50 companies. As entrepreneurs we are especially passionate about small businesses (I’m on the Board of the Oklahoma Entrepreneur’s Organization #EONation) who don’t always have the internal resources to develop strong leaders. I’d be honored to bring the Approachable Leadership message to your company or organization.”
Phillip B. Wilson, Founder, Approachable Leadership
We are currently booking speaking engagements. If your company or association is having a meeting, conference or workshop in the future we would love to speak to your group! Watch the video to learn more.
We are passionate about growing leaders with sessions that don’t just entertain, but impact leaders. Whether you want a 60-90 minute Keynote presentation, 20-minute TED-style talk, or a breakout session or Workshop (1 to 4 hour options), we can handle about any request. Our talks can be customized for your specific needs. Give us a call at 800-888-9115 to discuss options.
Our BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is to teach one million first level leaders to be Approachable Leaders, so we really need your help! Approachable Leadership isn’t like any leadership training you’ve seen before. You are out of your chair. You will be moved (physically and emotionally). You will learn simple tools that you can use the minute you leave the room. You will be inspired to be approachable not just at work, but at home and in the rest of your life (that’s right – part of the training explains how approachability will even improve your love life!).
Sometimes the hardest part is selling others on whether to bring in an outside speaker. Here is a quick email you can customize to sell your company or association on “Why Approachable Leadership?”
Dear Program Sponsor,
Turnover and lack of engagement are big issues for us. I came across a speaker – Phil Wilson from Approachable Leadership – who teaches very practical ways to reduce turnover intention by 71% and to increase above and beyond behavior by 88%. I reviewed the videos and some of the articles on their site. I think Phil would be a great addition to our upcoming program.
Here are three things that stood out to me that I think would make Approachable Leadership a great fit for our next program:
I know budgets are tight. One other thing I noticed on their website was an Executive Summary that outlines the ROI of approachable leaders. If we could reduce turnover or increase above and beyond behavior even a little this presentation would more than pay for itself. I think we should give it a close look! What do you think?
Approachable Leadership applies to ANYONE who works with people. We can tailor the presentation for your group’s specific needs. Here are a few of the most common groups:
We would love to come to your organization and would be grateful if you would be our cheerleader. We always have lunch or dinner with whoever introduces us before or after the event so we can talk about leadership, get to know each other and we can thank you in person!
We hope to see you soon!