Union Free YouTube Video: Just Big Dumb Anti-Union Fun

by | May 24, 2011 | YouTube

If something looks like a pig, smells like a pig and acts like a pig chances are pretty good it’s a pig regardless of what it’s calling itself this week.  And this week the pig’s name is Showdown in America and it sure does smell like populous outrage cooked up around a conference table at SEIU International HQ. [flashvideo file=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GuyExsgyoo /] So while this Showdown in America “action” isn’t technically a “labor dispute” it’s still worth sharing for it’s dumb fun value.  One wonders if the leadership of JP Morgan Chase was driven to reconsider the institution’s direction after being shamed by this cultural mashup of dollar store Robin Hoods and Vikings (that talk like pirates) that stormed a drainage ditch and set siege to the Morgan Chase stockholders’ meeting, coming within at least a half mile of actually being seen by a stockholder. Speaking of stockholders, were SEIU members given a chance to vote on this?  Because buses and costumes cost real money (imagine the staff hours that went towards bridge building alone!) and maybe the folks who pay the bills would have preferred another union rep or, better yet, a dues deduction.  Argh! Be sure to visit the LRI Union Free YouTube Channel to view this and other entertaining and informative videos.    

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