Managing During Status Quo Series: Bargaining For a First Contract

Phil Wilson
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Bargaining a labor agreement is really difficult, especially if you’ve never done it before. We live in this environment now where unions are organizing like crazy. They’re organizing smaller and smaller employers, and so there are a ton of companies that are facing this task of negotiating a first labor agreement for the first time.

That’s why we decided to do this series of episodes on The Left of Boom Show that are focused on how to bargain a first labor agreement effectively. We start at the very beginning with the situation where you’ve lost your union election. Now you’re in this new environment where you have a union representative, but you don’t have a labor agreement in place. What are the things you need to do to navigate in that environment? What do you teach your supervisors about this new environment? How do you get your team in place to begin preparing for bargaining that first contract?

We then have episodes that deal with the preparation for bargaining and all the research and background information you need to have. How do you get your proposals drafted? We go into what you do at the bargaining table itself, what your strategy looks like, and what are some things you should be prepared to deal with during that phase.

We also talk about how to communicate during bargaining. Many companies need to communicate both internally and potentially externally—to clients and sometimes even to the general public. We also cover strikes. If your negotiations aren’t going well, you might find yourself in a situation where you could potentially have to endure a strike. The more prepared you are, the less likely it is that you’ll be involved in a strike. So, what are the things you can do to be so well-prepared that a union decides a strike doesn’t make much sense?

We cover all of these topics in this series. There’s a lot of nuance, and I’ve brought in a lot of expertise to join me in these episodes. Consultants who work with us to negotiate labor agreements with companies all over the country, communications partners we collaborate with—there’s a lot of material here that can help any company dealing with negotiating a contract. This is especially helpful for companies facing a first contract, but even if you already have a contract in place and are preparing to negotiate your next one, there’s a bunch of practical advice here that can help you in those negotiations as well.

I hope you enjoy this series of episodes on the collective bargaining process. I think you’ll find it valuable.

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On this Episode

Negotiating a first labor agreement is one of the most challenging tasks any company can face, especially in today’s environment of heavy union organizing. For many organizations, this is uncharted territory, and preparation is key to successfully navigating this complex process.

In the Managing During Status Quo Series: Bargaining for a First Contract series, we explain the essential steps to bargain a first labor agreement effectively. Starting with the immediate aftermath of a union election, this series provides actionable guidance on:

  • Prepare your team and educate supervisors for a new unionized environment.
  • Conducting thorough research and drafting proposals.
  • Building strategies for success at the bargaining table.
  • Communicating effectively—both internally and externally—throughout negotiations.
  • Managing potential strike scenarios with preparation that minimizes disruption.

Each episode features expert insights from experienced consultants, communications professionals, and labor relations specialists who have helped organizations nationwide navigate the collective bargaining process.

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About The Guests

Phil Wilson

President LRI Consulting Services

Labor Relations Institute is the leading full service labor and positive employee relations management consulting firm. We help US employers earn, protect and retain their direct relationship privilege, as we have for more than 35 years. We also help leaders in unionized work places protect management flexibility in their labor agreements and engage their represented employees. We do this by teaching Approachable Leadership™ and educating leaders how to communicate lawfully, respectfully and effectively. We are the go-to partner for clients seeking to assess and mitigate risk, maintain early warning of employee relations problems, and prepare leaders for respectful and effective conversations that teach.