All Mobbed Up

by | Jan 20, 2011 | Labor Relations Ink

It will apparently take more than hauling its top officials off to jail and placing the New York City District Council of Carpenters under supervision to disentangle the union from the mob. According to a 71-page report, supported by hundreds of pages of exhibits, includes evidence and allegations that the union still operates in much the same fashion, union officials are still under the control or influence of organized crime. David M. Walsh, the court-appointed reviewer, stated, “My office has deep historical knowledge and is developing current information about actual and attempted influence of organized crime over the affairs of the district council and the funds. We have developed sufficient information to reasonably suspect that there are certain district council employees who have been and are currently under the influence of La Cosa Nostra figures.” Walsh also noted “that efforts to achieve systemic reform have been trampled by the seemingly limitless capacity of racketeers to blithely disregard the orders of this court and the risk of criminal prosecution as they pursue wealth, political power and satisfy their sybaritic yearnings.”

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