Unions to Dems: You Work for US!

by | Aug 3, 2008 | Employee Free Choice Act

One of the interesting side notes in the WSJ article last Friday was the disclosure that Wal-Mart was splitting its campaign contributions almost equally between Democrats and Republicans. Jonathan Tasini writing in The Huffington Post was quite displeased that Democrats would actually take money from Wal-Mart. If you had any doubt about whether or not unions think they “own” the Democrats, check out these prescriptions for rectifying the “problem:”

1. The Change To Win Coalition and the AFL-CIO should jointly send a letter to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer (head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and Chris Hollen (head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) demanding that party members return every dime to Wal-Mart.

2. Both Federations should also write to every member of Congress declaring that any Democrat receiving or keeping Wal-Mart money can kiss any labor donations or labor support good-bye.

3. Both Federations should, then, send a letter to every supposed Democratic campaign consultant and make it clear: you work for us OR you work for Wal-Mart. You can’t do both.

I’d love to see the fallout if Wal-Mart were to attach similar strings to its political donations (although they probably should). Wal-Mart’s donations to Democrats was the most surprising part of the WSJ article to me as well – I understand the idea of spreading your bets, but I don’t think it is a great investment. I’m guessing $300 million is going to out-influence $1 million.

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