Union To Blame For Northeast Slowdown?

by | Dec 29, 2010 | News

Several Staten Island residents have reported suspicious activity by members of the Sanitation Union when it comes to snow removal, and how long it is taking to get their streets cleared of snow. As much as 20+ inches of snow have fallen over the past few days in parts of the Northeast, virtually bringing daily business to a standstill and causing headaches for many. Citizens have reported snow plows being driven around the island with the plow lifted off the ground, another reported seeing snow removal equipment abandoned for hours. Many suspect that the unusual activity is part of a work slowdown, to get back at Mayor Bloomberg for budget cuts and layoffs. One local residents said: “My best friend works for Sanitation and so does his brother — both told me it’s a slowdown,” said a South Shore woman. “They said some are calling in sick and others are working as slow as possible.” The union of course denies the allegations.

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