Fight For $15

by | Jun 22, 2017 | News

Senator Pelosi

Lead organizer for the “Fight for $15” movement was caught needing to put a foot in his mouth. After spouting that he doesn’t get paid for attending protests, it came out that he does. In fact, in 2016, he was paid more than $146,000 by the Service Employees Union. Hmm. Despite revelations like the one above, the movement itself is still making headway across the country. State lawmakers in Illinois approved a plan to increase the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour over five years. Massachusetts, on the other hand, hasn’t committed to a $15 minimum wage just yet, but if you were to ask Senate President Stanley Rosenberg, we may as well all start planning on it now. He says the state will “absolutely” see the raise and “if it doesn’t happen in the Legislature, it will be on the ballot.” Massachusetts’s current minimum wage sits at $11. Nancy Pelosi is making similar statements, vowing that if Democrats take back the chamber next year, Congress will see a fight for a $15 minimum wage bill within the first 100 hours.

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