Election Update: The EFCA Reality

by | Oct 22, 2008 | Uncategorized

Following up on yesterday’s post about the election, in the past 24-hours three polls have come out with more evidence confirming the conventional wisdom — Obama has a clear lead in the presidential race. Most concerning to McCain is that the lead seems to be growing — for example, over at Real Clear Politics, we can see that in the most recent Zogby, NBC/WSJ, and Gallup polls, Obama is now ahead by exactly 10 points in all three surveys. That is not the position you want to be in just 13 days before an election. It really doesn’t matter what your political orientation is — the simple reality is that one candidate has pledged to pass and sign EFCA and the other has not. Right now, if the polls are to be believed, the person who wants to make EFCA the law of the land is clearly ahead. Employers should start realizing that the fear of a pro-EFCA president could give way to reality in the very near future.

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