Brother Biden and the Barbarians

by | Jul 21, 2011 | Labor Relations Ink

Anyone ever curious as to the role Joe Biden really plays in the Obama Administration should listen to his speech at the Teamster convention in Vegas last Friday.  While President Obama continues to posture himself as an ally of business and a stalwart champion of free enterprise, Biden travels the country throwing red meat to union convention audiences, demonizing employers in the style of the worst spit flying union demagogue. “You are the only thing that stands between the barbarians at the gate (business interests) and them taking it all over…. We can’t lose this war…  it’s a fundamental difference in vision. In their vision, you have no place at all. In our vision, you are the place. We stand with you, we stand with labor, because without you there is no American Dream. (Applause) There is no possibility. (Applause) We stand with organized labor because you stand with the people who are struggling to get a chance. (Cheers) We stand with you, organized labor, because with you we can and will restore the American Dream, so help me God. (Cheers) God bless you all, and may God protect our troops. Do not give up. (Standing ovation)    

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